The KÜHME Gas Valve Unit (GVU) is designed for installation at marine engines. The GVU is utilized to feed dual fuel engines with a constantly stable gas pressure dependable on respective machine load. Furthermore the application background is based on highest safety standards. For this reason the double block and bleed unit (ESD) for reliable and leakage free gas shut-off represents an integral part of the plug and play system solution.
Nominal size:
DN 50 / 80 / 100 / 150
Operating pressure:
MAX. 10,0 BAR G
Operating temperature:
max. + 60°C
- Available in fully ex-proof encapsulated design – no separate room is requested
- Space saving and commercially efficient due to simple installation close to engine
- Integral Double Block and Bleed Unit for ESD operation:
- Closing Time < 1 sec
- Zero Leakage
The KÜHME GVU is engineered in modular architecture to meet the individual requirements of the customers. Suited for different application backgrounds KÜHME’s portfolio covers alternative variants – conventional open structure as well as encapsulated design. In that respect the conventional GVU is supposed to be installed in a separate GVU Room, whereas the fully encapsulated variant is supposed to be installed within a regular engine room, close to the engine(s).