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Fill up with KÜHME!


Did you know that KÜHME valves are used in jet refueling?

Since the 1980s KÜHME make refueling valves are used in airport or airfield tank farms and fuel pipeline systems with up to 100 bar operating pressure for multiple applications:
– Pressure regulation with overpressure protection feature
– Flow regulation with overflow protection feature
– Non return feature
– Up to refueling valves with “dead man’s handle” for the direct fuel uplift of military aircrafts and many, many more individual tailored functions.

All refueling valves are working autonomous by means of self-medium control. In most cases in-house made pilot systems are applied to realize the complex individual functions and adding extra safety for the critical process of refueling. Sounds way too mechanical based, way too old-school, missing Industry 4.0? Major benefit of KÜHME refueling valve equipment is that they are not dependent on auxiliary energy and hence guarantee security of supply even in cases of major defaults of supply infrastructure or in emergency scenarios.

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